Friday, July 23, 2010

Going back to work!

As I prepare to return to work full time I am full of anxiety, yet excited at the same time. I love my job, I love the company and the people I work with. I have been blessed to work there for 12 years now.
What I am anxious about is keeping my composure during stressful times, which can be bountiful at my job. I pray and pray that I can have peace and patience, keeping myself calm and not overreacting to all the little (and big) issues that arise during each day. (Customer service is not the easiest part of my job; is actually my least favorite part). I find myself wondering why people fall apart over something that can be fixed with a click or two of my mouse, or the snap of a camera...(we take school pictures). I fight the urge to ask an upset customer if they or someone they love is fighting a serious, or life threatening illness. Are you facing the fact that your loved one may no longer be part of your life, or are you upset over something as small as a missing portrait package.? Keep it all in perspective. If little Janie's eyes are closed in her photo, it is not the end of the world. Kiss her cheeks, tell her you love her, and get another photo taken. If a missing portrait package is the worst thing that happens in your life, count yourself as very blessed.
I had read an e-mail a while back that had a signature line that said: Be extra nice, you never know what battle someone is going through. That has had a lasting impression on me.
I pray that the constant "hologram" of my fear, sorrow and worry will not affect the way I go about my day. May I be aware of the battles, fear and sorrow of my fellow men and women I encounter each day. May I be a blessing to all I meet in person and on the phone.
I am blessed beyond all comprehension and may all the glory go to God, who reigns forever and ever.

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Auntie!!! And I LOVE the picture!!! =) Thank you for always keeping the important things in life first and foremost in our thoughts.

    Love, Mary
