Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kicking and screaming...

I am new to this "blogging" fad. Or is it really a fad? Could be it is a pre-cursor to the new communication means of our future. Less face to face, but hopefully still lots of heart to heart.

My husband of 30 years, Jaye, has been fighting a fight against cancer since November of 2007. Considering the prognosis only gave him a 14% chance to be alive in 2008, he is doing pretty darn good.

The emotions of the last 2 1/2 years have been such a rollercoaster ride. It is amazing that we can even stand on our own two feet. The prayers of the saints, the love of family and friends, have been our strong tower. The love of the Lord, and the strength of His power, has been our fortress.

There are not enough words, or should I say adequate words, to convey the struggle, the joy, the hope of our journey. Actually, our journies. Jaye and I have each had our road through this journey. Sometimes straight uphill, sometimes a windy dark road at night. Fortunately we have yet to be on a super dark road at the same time : ).

The latest news is that the cancer is back in his right adrenal gland - his current treatment has no longer been fighting the cancer. Hope is not lost (or ever will be). A new clinical trial, if it is in God's plan, will be started soon. Each day is a gift!

Jaye's motto from the start has been "kicking and screaming". Meaning, he won't go down without a fight. He has been an inspiration to many, and he has a story to tell.

Our heart, thoughts and prayers are with our friends and family that are fighting cancer, that have loved ones that are fighting cancer. And, of course, with those who have lost the fight, though I do not like to use the word "lost".

Hopefully my grammar and punctuation are not a mess. It has been a long time since I was a grade A english student in school.

Blessings to all and glory to God.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that you started this blog! We really do love you guys, and are very thankful for your friendship. *hugs*
